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Honeywell TS300 Specifications

Made by: Honeywell
Type: Specifications
Category: Temperature Controller
Pages: 2
Size: 0.09 MB


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• Flexibility

The TS300 allows the end-user to independently program 

local and remote temperature probes in accordance with 

varying environmental requirements.

• Audible Alarm with Silence Timeout

The TS300 is equipped with an audible alarm which sounds 

once the temperature at an enabled sensor varies outside of 

it’s defined limits. The TS300 allows users to designate a 

“time-out” time. With the touch of a button, users may 

silence a sounding alarm for a period of time.

• Versatility

The TS300 is a dual temperature sensor that has the

capacity to simultaneously monitor both local and remote 

temperature probes.

• Programmable Alarm Delay

Designed to reduce the occurrence of nuisance alarms 

during temporary conditions this feature allows the user to 

delay the sounding of the alarm for a designated period of 

time. Routine task, which may cause the temperature to rise 

above or fall below the programmed alarm point, may be 

completed without generating an alarm.

• Alarm Memory

Easy way to check function and detection area.

• Programmable Hysteresis

Temporary conditions often influence the gradual rise 

and fall of temperatures around the alarm point. 

Under such conditions, conventional sensors generate 

multiple alarms and restore messages. With the 

Programmable Hysteresis feature, an alarm is generated 

only the first time the temperature reaches the alarm point. 

As long as the temperature fluctuates within the “Hysteresis 

Range”, no subsequent alarms will be transmitted until the 

environment has reached the predetermined restore 


Honeywell's feature-rich TS300 was engineered to meet the

demands of a wide range of applications. From florists and

butchers to pet shops, computer centers and residences, 

the TS300 provides uncompromising performance. Unique

features such as simultaneous use of local and remote

temperature probes, programmable hysteresis and audible alarm

with silence timeout, illustrate the sensor’s flexibility in installation,

programming and operation.



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Dual Temperature Sensor

Temperature Range/Accuracy

8.0 V to 15 VDC

Local Sensor 

• 0°C to 60°C 
• +/-1,7°C

Remote Probe

• -40°C to 60°C
• +/-2,2°C

Hi and Low Limits 

• Minimum span between
• 2,2°C

Input Voltage 

7 to 16VDC

Input Current 

25 mA (max.)

Case Dimensions 

10.2 cm x 6.6 cm x 2.3 cm

Alarm Delay 

0-255 minutes in 1 minute increments

Alarm Output Type 

(2) Form A reed relays

Alarm Output Resistance 

25 ohms maximum

Alarm Output Rating 

50mA/30VDC maximum

Audible Alarm

4kHz, 75dB@10cm pulsed 750 mS on/off

Audible Alarm Silencing

0-255 minutes in 1 minute increments


Remote Temperature Probe for use with the TS300


The Remote Probe is a sealed temperature sensor with 4,5m of two conductor, 24 AWG stranded cable.

Chemical Properties

Non-corrosive Waterproof

Max. Cable Length

90m (The T280R may be extended from 4,5m up to 90m using shielded 24 AWG cable.)

Max. Compression Force 

Applied To Probe

4,5kg force

Max. Tensile Force 

Applied Between Probe and Cable

2,2kg force

Item no.



Dual Temperature Sensor


Remote Temperature Probe

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June 2009
© 2009 Honeywell International Inc.